Sunday, October 18, 2015

5 tips for traveling to Asia!

1. Research, research and research

Know as much as can about the local area, culture, towns, transportation, hotels, food, etc.

2. Find a place to get currency exchange and have cash handy as most Asian countries are not credit card friendly, meaning no access to it.

3. Visas, most Asian countries require this, if you are booking your flights through a travel agency, they will handle this for you or at least, i would, if not, check out the embassy websites for details.

4. Learn the language or at least a little bit as most will not know English, otherwise, find a travel guide before your trip, in Vietnam, you can get a guide and driver for $50 a week. Remember, our money is worth a lot more in Asian countries..

5. Learn to negotiate as everything is negotiable in these Asian countries and a price given to a local person will be significantly less, so understanding a little bit of the language is priceless, if not, pay attention when you are shopping at a local market or eating at a local eatery ask for the price upfront as some will not have pricing, watch how much the locals are paying and most are so in awe of Americans that they go out of their way to help you, big plus for you but also be careful not to hand over your wallet as some are not so nice.

More traveling tips to Asian countries to come….

Happy traveling!!

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